Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Do we rely on Technology too much?

Computers may have revolutionised the way we live and work, but what would happen if they all suddenly crashed??We may have escaped the millennium bug, but workers at London's stock exchange had a taster yesterday when their systems ground to a halt for eight agonising hours. Millions of pounds of business was lost on what was the last day of the financial year.(news.bbc.co.uk) Yes we do rely on technology far too much, at this stage we have forgotten how people coped without it years ago. It is a disadvantage to the extent if they crash, we crash. When i was working in a hotel the system "OPERA" failed it caused mayhem, it disorientated myself and my collueges, there was a backup system which was manually carried out, it caused major delay and loss of sales as a result. This was simply because we are not used to manually filing and doing everything else manually.

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